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It’s a Dry Cold

The unseasonable and sometimes record-breaking run of mild weather we’ve been enjoying here in Saskatchewan has come to an end. The forecast for this week is a tad chillier than we’ve grown used to so far this winter.

Here’s what it looks like in Celsius:

And for those of you who are used to seeing temperatures in Fahrenheit:

Either way you slice it, cold weather (i.e. Saskatchewan winter weather) is on the way.

I’m just back from the grocery store; I wanted to stock up on a few things before the snow and really cold weather hits later in the week.

It’s another beautiful blue-sky Saskatchewan afternoon. The gauge in my car told me it was -18C, and there’s no wind. Do you know something? It’s not really cold. It’s crisp, yes. Brisk, even. But cold? Not really if you’re dressed for it, and even then I saw people wearing lightweight jackets and I certainly wasn’t wearing my winter coat, gloves, and snow boots.

These kinds of temperatures would be harder to take if we were in B.C., but here in Saskatchewan it’s a dry cold. Gerry and I noticed this last year. If the wind isn’t blowing, it’s really not bad most of the time—the prairie wind is a game changer. It’s such a beautiful day that I took the long way home so I could capture a couple of images to share with you. Pretty, yes?

I’m sure we’ll see colder temperatures than these before spring, wind and lots of snow too. (I pray we get lots of snow. The farmers really need it.) But for now, this dip into winter weather is kind of nice—and a good excuse to hunker down at home whether it’s a dry cold or not.


2 responses to “It’s a Dry Cold”

  1. linda, thanks for a glimpse into your hometown, your wintery week. when it’s cold, it’s cold. yet life goes on, doesn’t it …

    happy new year to you.

  2. Jackie L. Phillips Avatar
    Jackie L. Phillips

    We were so spoiled for the month of December and part of January. Now we need to get used to our regular winter weather. Like you say a good time to hunker down and stay safe. We did have wind here in the southeast and it was bitter.

    God bless.

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