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On the Second Day of Christmas

It’s Boxing Day, one of my favourite days of the year. With no commitments and no meals to prepare, thanksto an abundance of leftovers, the day is one of rest involving a good book (I’m currently reading Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan), a jigsaw puzzle, and snacks. Simply perfect.

Yesterday, we woke to a Christmas morning blizzard that cast doubt on whether the girls would make it infrom Caronport. For a time, highways were closed in and out of Moose Jaw, but by early afternoon, thewind died down and the snow let up and Laurinda decided it was safe enough to make the 20 minute trekinto town.

The worst part of the journey was the corner turning into our street where we had watched a number ofvehicles get stuck, and Gerry had helped some dig out, earlier. Before the girls arrived we joined our effortto clear snowbanks from our driveway so Laurinda could get in. It was a quintessential Saskatchewanmorning.

And so, Christmas came and gifts were exchanged. Hugs were given. Chocolate, and other treats, wereeaten. We enjoyed a big traditional turkey dinner with all the tasty trimmings. Later, after the girls leftGerry and I settled in with our tryptophan comas and watched an episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries. 

Today, we will enjoy the quiet of Boxing Day with grateful hearts and full bellies. 


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