Linda Hoye dot com

Storm Passing

I rise early, as usual, and am struck again by the quiet. It’s different; this time with no dog keeping me company and giving structure to my days. I fill the kettle and set it to boil, spoon loose tea into my brewer, and turn to the north-facing window,

There’s an interesting pattern of cloud; it would make a beautiful painting. I step out onto the back deck to look closer and am surprised by heaviness of the air. It’s warm, I expect we’re heading for another 34C/93F day, but it’s also close. Muggy.

The doormat is damp and there are a few splotches of raindrops on the deck. A dark and menacing cloud is directly above. A flash. Rumbling thunder. The gardens will appreciate this. The rain won’t amount to much but the nitrogen will benefit.

I look up as forks of lightening reach across the sky directly above me—Boom!—are followed immediately by thunder. That was right above me! I open the door and step back into the safety of my home.

By now, I’ve brewed my tea, the skies are clearing, and the storm has moved on. I see a semblance of it farther east, but storm cells have weakened. All is well.

(Note: I captured the above photo of another storm in another place at another time.)


One response to “Storm Passing”

  1. It’s the simple things of life that we sometimes ignore. I like reading your observances of “life” that keep us pondering and enjoying the little things. )And I personally love sitting on the back porch during a heavy rainstorm—maybe not the lightning.)

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