Linda Hoye dot com

Sunday Morning

It’s Sunday morning about 11:00. Ordinarily, we’d be in church. It’s been a busy weekend for both Gerry and me, and we’re playing hooky this morning. Soon, we’ll get in the car and drive approximately 71 km / 44 miles to Regina where one of our granddaughters is playing lacrosse. Gerry’s driven back and forth a number of times already this weekend to watch her play while I’ve been at the Saskatchewan Festival of Words. Today, we’re going together.

We have just come back from dropping off the rental car Gerry used for the past couple of days. When we moved to Moose Jaw, we decided to go to one car with the understanding that we’d rent a second vehicle as needed. This is the first time we’ve needed.

I captured some images of the lilies in bloom in our front yard feeling grateful for the previous owners who knew far more about perennial flower gardening than I. We’re blessed with flowers of various kinds and colours throughout the growing season. Gerry enjoys tending to them; I enjoy looking at them.

Meanwhile, in the backyard which is more my domain, my vegetable garden is doing far better than I anticipated during the cool, wet spring we had. I picked and enjoyed a handful of pea pods; wondered what in the world I should do with the sour cherries; shook my head at the stunted peppers, knowing I should have trusted my gut and not planted them; and marveled at the beets, Romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, and all the rest that’s growing and doing well.

I’m feeling reflective after enjoying the many author readings on Friday and Saturday. CanLit at its finest. What a treat! I’m pondering a couple of writing projects that fizzled out a few months ago and find myself hungry to clear my desk and get back to them. I have made a decision to let go of something that has chafed for a while. I’m thinking about cliques and mental health and lucid dreams, the young and not-so-young, and the kind of life education one can’t get at university. And so much more. I’ll be chewing on all of these things for a good long while.

I’m also tired and could use a slow, quiet day to regroup but content myself with pockets, like the one in which I’m tapping out these words before we head to Regina. Gerry has just given the 15-minute warning so I’ll wrap this up for now. Hope you’re finding pockets of quiet contentment this day too.


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