Linda Hoye dot com

Tag: creativity

  • Crafted By the Creator

    Crafted By the Creator

    It’s April 20 and, here in southern Saskatchewan, we’re under a snowfall warning for the third day in a row. It looks more like January than April outside. One could become discouraged if not for an unrelenting faith that spring will eventually show up. We determined earlier that it wasn’t worth the risk of driving…

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  • Waking Early

    Waking Early

    Oh, the delicious sense that waking early and being the first one up in the morning elicits in me! Today, for the first time since I was sick in January, it happened. It was 5:45 a.m. when I got up this morning——earlier than I have been waking, but not early enough for my liking. It’s…

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  • Monday, Monday

    Monday, Monday

    Maya had a restless night which translated into me also having one. She’s been a bit discombobulated since the move, more so since we lost Murphy, so I’m granting her grace. Even so, going outside three times between midnight and 5 a.m. when I finally just got up, is excessive—especially when at least one of…

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