Linda Hoye dot com

Tag: garden

  • Projects. I Like Them.

    Projects. I Like Them.

    Some of you are coming down off a turkey high this morning. The rest of us are just doing Friday, having celebrated a low-key Canadian Thanksgiving back in October. I’m back at my desk in the woman cave, starting to put together my 2024 blog book. I’ve compiled all my posts in book format for…

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  • Now It Is October

    Now It Is October

    Now it is October, a transitional month. Some days are warm and sunny and I pull on capri pants and slide bare feet into Birks. Other days, I wear socks and slip into a long-sleeved sweater to keep away the chill. There are still beets in the garden. Carrots too, but not many. I pull…

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  • What’s Stopping You?

    What’s Stopping You?

    It’s Tuesday morning. Gerry will be home from the gym in about a half hour, and we’ll enjoy a bowl of homemade chicken soup and a game of chess. This afternoon, we’ll take Molly to get her nails cut and, perhaps, wander around the beautiful Wakamow Valley, where fall colours are at a peak, with…

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  • Change Is In the Air

    Change Is In the Air

    The weather gauge in our backyard reads 3C / 37F when I get up. One degree lower than it was yesterday morning. We’ve been chewing on the idea of doing a Costco run to Regina today and I chew on it a bit more while sipping my morning tea—brewed while it’s still dark outside, I…

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  • The Growing Season

    The Growing Season

    I pick the few remaining pea pods and pull the yellowing vines. Is it my imagination, or was the yield much less than past years? I stop telling myself that the sorry looking green bean plants will produce anything and pull every sad looking plant from the bed, leaving it looking sad and barren. Two…

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  • A Whole Lot of Too Much

    A Whole Lot of Too Much

    I mentioned last time that we traveled to British Columbia to visit our daughter and bring our granddaughter back to Saskatchewan with us for her summer visit. It’s a long way to travel: 1305 km / 811 miles. About 14 hours in total. We overnighted in a hotel part way there, but made it all…

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  • Lessons From the Garden

    Lessons From the Garden

    It’s 10 a.m. on July 12. I’m just in from watering the garden—the garden I despaired of every producing much given the cool, wet spring and early summer. We were away from home for a few days and such was my lack of faith in my garden, that I wasn’t in the least concerned that…

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  • A Cosy June

    A Cosy June

    I wake in the morning thinking about things I want to accomplish in the coming day, hoping the list is on the shorter side. By design, it usually is. This morning: a couple of emails to tend to, share the draft newsletter for InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship with the executive, put a pot of chicken…

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  • Intention


    It’s been a good week. Coffee with friends on Sunday afternoon, photographing storm clouds, and visiting and enjoying lunch with my cousin and her husband in Swift Current yesterday. These delights peppered amidst mornings spent planting and puttering and wandering in the garden with a mug of coffee looking for new growth. Some days, windows…

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  • Backyard Sanctuary

    Backyard Sanctuary

    I am sitting on our lower back deck in the shade of the gazebo while the curtains wave gently in the breeze. The other day, I let loose the curtains that have been tied back in each of the four corners of the gazebo for the first time. Yes. You read that right. The gazebo…

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  • Hurts So Good

    Hurts So Good

    It’s spring—for real, this time—in Saskatchewan. The temperature is currently 28C / 82F; the windows are open, and my back is aching from time spent working out in the yard yesterday and today. No complaints. This is what we’ve been waiting for! This morning, the sound of lawn mowers broke the Saturday morning silence as…

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  • Friday’s Fave Five – September 29

    Friday’s Fave Five – September 29

    It’s the last Friday of September, already; the month whizzed by in a blur. Oh, how I’m looking forward to October and a different pace—though I’ll have to make it intentionally so. I hate to use the “b” word but I can’t help but attach the busy label to the coming month as Gerry and…

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