Linda Hoye dot com

Tag: prairie

  • Thursday Thoughts

    Thursday Thoughts

    I don’t know where this week has gone. Discombobulated, given the Labour Day holiday, and, in a sense, a short week (though in retirement there’s really no such thing as a short week). Still, it’s felt a little upside-down. I harvested the last of the tomatoes this week in light of threats of frost not…

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  • Labour Day

    Labour Day

    It’s a beautiful Labour Day here in Saskatchewan, and by beautiful, I mean wet. It’s the rainiest day we’ve had all summer, and it’s glorious. Sadly, it’s smoky too. Even more sad, this seems to have become the norm. For the time being, I’m focusing solely on the gift of rain that we need so…

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  • Place, People, and Prairie

    Place, People, and Prairie

    At some point, the way some people visit family starts to look different. I was young—in my twenties—when my parents died within 18 months of each other and the shift started for me. Not everyone gets it, but visiting the grave of someone who was once part of my life (or history, in the case…

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  • An Old School Blog Post

    An Old School Blog Post

    Still coming down from the high that the Saskatchewan Festival of Words was last week and more than a little surprised and grateful that little ol’ Moose Jaw is home to this event. I’m inspired as a reader, writer, and person by the sessions I attended and chewing on next steps (apart from diving into…

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  • Gifts


    One afternoon this week, feeling melancholy and missing Maya, Gerry and I went to the Wakamow Valley and walked to the place where, once upon a time in my childhood, there was a wild animal park. I’ve wanted to find that spot since last summer when we visited Moose Jaw and made the decision to…

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  • Five Favourite Things

    Five Favourite Things

    It’s Friday! Time to look back a things I’m thankful for in my world this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post. This is kind of a mush-mash post with good things melded together. I think that’s okay. 🙂 Gerry and I have been Moose Jaw residents for six months today. We’re on the home…

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  • Friday’s Fave Five in Pictures – June 1

    Friday’s Fave Five in Pictures – June 1

    It’s been a busy week and I’ve been heads-down at my desk for a good chunk of it. Putting together a Friday’s Fave Five post reminds me of the good things that also made up the substance of this week. Time spent in the beautiful Wakamow Valley. There’s a lot to explore and I look…

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  • A Fine Friday Night

    A Fine Friday Night

    We sit in the sanctuary of the beautiful old St. Andrews church (originally built in 1912, rebuilt in the early 1960s after a devastating fire) where my parents were married 75 years ago. We’re here for a sold out spring performance by the Moose Jaw Community Choir. I imagine my parents standing at the front…

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  • Falling for the Prairie

    Falling for the Prairie

    It’s another beautiful sunshiny day in Moose Jaw and Gerry suggests a short walk. There’s still snow on the ground in places, remnants from last weeks storm, and there’s a bottleneck at the front door while decisions about footwear are made. He opts for Sorrels I slip my feet into Sketchers, refusing to don boots…

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  • Prairie Peace

    Prairie Peace

    In the morning, we go out to run errands, and when we get home and I open the door leading from the garage into the laundry room, I expect to see my tiny dog Murphy waiting to greet me. Every time I get ready to go out, I pause, asking myself if I need to…

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