Tag: seasons
A New Season
Here in Saskatchewan, we talk about the weather a lot and for good reason. It’s ridiculous. We’re under (yet another) advisory—this one for freezing drizzle. Old Man Winter isn’t letting go without a fight. Never, in my 66 years, has there been no spring though. Whether I lived in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, or Washington State,…
What Shimmered This Week
Now and then, I like to look back at the week and call to mind some of the gifts it offered. What shimmered, so to speak. I heard that phrase recently and liked it. Here is a short list of a few things that shimmered for me this week. Snowmelt. It’s not happening fast enough…
Sunday Afternoon Check-In
Popping in to say “hello” and share some good things from the past week as it seems I’ve formed a habit of writing something here on Sunday afternoons (At least, I’ve done so for the two Sundays before this one. Does that count as a habit?) Sunshine and trickling snowmelt rivulets as winter gives way…
What A Difference A Week Makes
Daffodowndilly She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,She wore her greenest gown;She turned to the south windAnd curtsied up and down.She turned to the sunlightAnd shook her yellow head,And whispered to her neighbour:“Winter is dead.” ~ A.A. Milne When last we met here, less than a week ago, we were still in the depths of a deep…
Thoughts From the Frozen North
It’s ridiculously cold here in Saskatchewan—minus 40 this morning. It doesn’t matter if you measure your temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, -40 is -40, and it’s cold. Darn cold. Gerry and Molly and I are sitting in the living room undercover of blankets watching the 4 Nations Face-Off Canada vs Finland hockey game. It’s the…
Seventy-Nine Days
The notification popped up on my screen yesterday afternoon: snowfall warning. Again. This morning, when Molly and I got up shortly after 4, the first thing I did was look out the window. Yup. The white stuff had arrived. Gerry, eternally optimistic, said, “it doesn’t look like much” when we were enjoying our morning coffee.…
Easing In
We have just finished lunch after attending the Eucharist service at church this morning. This is Epiphany Sunday and, as such, the priest marked the doorframe of the church sanctuary with chalk. 20✞C✞M✞B✞25 Wrapped within the new year are initials for the traditional names of the magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) separated by crosses to represent Christ.…
I’m Not Optimistic About 2025
The liminality of the days between December 25 and January 1, paired with an ice storm making it unsafe and unwise to venture out, keeps us home. Having consumed too much fat and sugar, we feel dim-witted and lazy. A jigsaw puzzle on the dining table, books on our devices, and a little Yorkie who…
The Shortest Day
It’s the winter solstice, and sunrise here in Moose Jaw happened at 9 a.m.—tomorrow, we begin the slow crawl toward light and garden season. Two snowstorms in the past few days have kept us mostly at home and indoors. Gerry’s been out a couple of times with his birthday snowblower, and I took advantage of…
In the Dark
Jarred from the peace of sleep and the comfort of warm flannel sheets, I retrieve my glasses and Kindle from my bedside table and, with a little Yorkie in my arms, stumble from the bedroom. Molly’s internal clock says it’s time to get up. It’s barely 4 a.m. and I inadvertently trained her to rise…
And So, Advent
On Saturday, Gerry and I went to see the annual Christmas performance at nearby Briercrest College and Seminary in Caronport—a dramatic musical called A Christmas in Caron, 1942. It was inspired by the real-life story of Royal Air Force cadets who came to the Caron flight training school (about 25 minutes west of Moose Jaw)…
Birthday Snow
We had a big dump of snow this week and are currently under a snowfall warning for the weekend. Though the calendar says otherwise, winter is most definitely upon us here in Saskatchewan. Just now, I’m sitting here in the wing chair in my woman cave listening to my Gregorian playlist on Amazon music while…