Linda Hoye dot com

Tag: Yorkie

  • I Miss My Office

    I Miss My Office

    For the past few weeks, I’ve been camped out with my MacBook and assorted piles of paper on a stool at my kitchen counter where I relocated from my woman cave. I have an office. I consider myself blessed to have had a room of my own for most of my adult life. It’s where…

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  • I Miss My Office

    I Miss My Office

    For the past few weeks, I’ve been camped out with my MacBook and assorted piles of paper on a stool at my kitchen counter where I relocated from my woman cave. I have an office. I consider myself blessed to have had a room of my own for most of my adult life. It’s where…

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  • In Search of Slippers

    In Search of Slippers

    I must be getting old. My feet are killing me and I fear my perennial barefoot days might be coming to an end. I’m just back from an unsuccessful shopping trip for a pair of soft memory foam slippers which did nothing to improve the situation. Browsing Amazon now. Thank goodness for Amazon. I stopped…

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  • A Few Things

    A Few Things

    Supper’s simmering (skillet dinner for the win), Gerry’s watching  the Olympics, and baby Molly is napping. I’m taking advantage of a few quiet minutes to write a blog post and share a few things that are on my mind. Thing 1. I started following Karen’s Over the Backyard Fence not long after I joined the…

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  • Introducing Molly!

    Introducing Molly!

    She’s home! Our tiny bundle with a long name. Her full Canadian Kennel Club name is Tweedsmuir Molly Jean Hoye. Tweedsmuir, because that’s the name of our breeder (who we love!). Molly, because that’s her given name and what we’ll call her. Jean, because, paired with Molly, gives her the initials of MJ which mirrors…

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