Linda Hoye dot com

A Busy Day In Which I Get Little Done

I meant to write here earlier today. I really did. But then I got sidetracked by a new project, making soup, baking bread, taking the dog out, pulling a few weeds, inspecting my garden, making a cup of coffee (the caffeine in which really hit me hard), trying to read, playing chess, tended to a zillion emails, printing off paperwork to be signed and returned to the recipient, picking Makiya up from school in Caronport, serving dinner, and chatting with Gerry and Makiya over a simple meal of homemade soup and warm bread.

Now I’ve got a headache.

I popped a couple of ibuprofen because I’m going out to attend an open mic this evening—to listen, not read. Have I mentioned how much I love the opportunities for writer folk like me here in Moose Jaw? I’m leaving in about 20 minutes, but thought I’d tap out a quick blog post in the meantime and show you part of my little backyard garden. She looks pretty in the rain, doesn’t she? Peaceful.

Tomorrow, we are going to look at rocks and stones in preparation for getting rid of our back lawn and replacing it with raised bed gardens. I’m uber-excited about this project! Meanwhile, I enjoy this space and another where I’ve planted tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, marigolds, and green beans.

Tomorrow’s another day.

Okay, now, I’m off to hear some writers read their work.


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