Quiet Days in Moose Jaw

My hearing aids started losing battery power before the day is done a week or so ago. I contacted Costco, where I got them, and was told that, as they are still under warranty, they would send them for repair and possible battery replacement (they're rechargeable). So yesterday, Gerry and I drove to Regina (about... Continue Reading →

‘Tis Almost the Season

I'm trying to settle into the routine back home but we're not quite there yet. Gerry's been under the weather since just after I left for Kamloops so life's running at a slower pace than usual. It's kind of nice. Still, I'm hoping for a return to good health and semi-normal routines next week. I... Continue Reading →

On My Way Home

I'm sitting in the Vancouver, B.C. airport—YVR—waiting for my next flight that will take me home to Saskatchewan. I've just enjoyed an overpriced sandwich and am sipping on a Starbucks. It's almost like the old days. Young people are carrying on business on laptops and cell phones. I'm catching snippets of phrases that were once... Continue Reading →

What a Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday, as I was driving home from an early morning appointment, I noticed most of the snow that fell a couple of weeks ago was gone. This morning we woke to white and, as of 2:30 p.m. when I'm writing this, it hasn't stopped. What a difference a day makes. I've given myself the gift... Continue Reading →

The Writing Life

I was in my twenties the first time I got paid for my writing. I had submitted a poem (or poems?) somewhere and it (or they) were accepted for publication. I don't remember what I submitted or who accepted them. What I do remember is receiving a cheque in the mail and using it to... Continue Reading →

A Simple Saturday

This morning, snow fell like small feathers; this afternoon, the sun is out-ish and the temperature is above zero. It's a nice mix for a quiet Saturday. I wash bedding on Saturday morning, and decided to switch over to my winter duvet cover and flannel sheets today. It's nice to change things up and I'm... Continue Reading →

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