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Friday’s Fave Five – February 3

It’s February and it feels like we’re on the downhill slope toward spring. Here in Moose Jaw, we’re just coming out of a polar vortex and look forward to some above-freezing temperatures. I’m sure there are still plenty of cold days ahead of us, but every day we inch closer to spring is a gift. I’ll be glad when most of the snow is gone from our backyard so we can survey the garden situation but, again, we’re many weeks away from that. Meanwhile, wisdom tells me to look at the here and now for things to be thankful for: enter, another Friday’s Fave Five post.

Tradespeople. At this stage of life, we move from believing we have to do it all, to being thankful we have the resources to let someone with the tools, experience, and knowledge do it for us. This week we’re welcoming builders, plumbers, electricians, and painters into our home to tend to finishing work in our basement, painting upstairs, and insulating and installing a natural gas heater in our garage (more than just a nice-to-have in Saskatchewan!).

Good health. I’m finally feeling like I’ve come through the illness that knocked me out for a couple of weeks. Still battling a sore throat, but if that’s my only complaint then life is pretty darn good.

Saskatchewan sunshine. Big clear blue skies. The wide-open view doesn’t get old.

Writing and editing. I carved out good chunks of time this week to work on edits on my new book, Living Liminal.

Mother/Daughter and Grandmother/Granddaughter time. Good conversation. Lots of laughs and even more love.

It was my birthday last week. I don’t like a fuss. We were going to have a family dinner but didn’t because I was still feeling under the weather. We were going to do it tonight but Makiya is home sick today. Sigh. All in good time.

If you’re looking for a thoughtful read about navigating these crazy times we live in, check out this piece by Paul Kingsworth called Watch the Great Fall: Beyond Progress and Nostalgia. His words reflect so much of how I think.


15 responses to “Friday’s Fave Five – February 3”

  1. Yes we’re also at the stage when we grateful to be able to afford to get people in to do the things we don’t want to or in many cases can’t – my hubby is useless at DIY and I don’t have the stamina anymore. Glad you’re feeling better – belated birthday wishes. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Hope you had a good weekend too, Wendy. This is a good place to be in life, isn’t it?

  2. faitheturner Avatar

    Happy belated birthday and I hope your daughter feels better soon!!

    Yes it’s a true blessing to be able to afford and enjoy others’ talents and specialties. Have fun redoing the house!!
    Happy weekend!!

    1. Hope you had a good weekend, Faithe, and that Monday is treating you well!

  3. My husband likes to quote this when people complain about being old— “but think of the alternative”. Lots to be thankful for right there.
    I am glad you are feeling better. Maybe you can celebrate your birthday this weekend (if Makiya is better) and then maybe there will also be blue skies and sunshine and warmer temperatures!
    Tradesmen are truly a blessing!
    Have a good week!

    1. Your husband is a wise man! I’ve also heard someone say that “any day above ground is a good day!”.

  4. Ally Bean sent me! Hope you’re feeling better Linda and that you enjoyed a belated birthday celebration. A few people I know live in Saskatchewan – South Africans who left here for a ‘better life’.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Susan! Saskatchewan is a long way from South Africa!

  5. Jackie Phillips Avatar
    Jackie Phillips

    I am glad you are feeling better and that is definitely something to feel grateful for.

    I thought you might live in either Regina or Moose Jaw not too far away from me. Here is hoping our weather stays nice for a long time.

    Happy belated birthday.

    God bless.

    1. I see on your blog that your long-term plan is to move to Regina! I love this area of the province, don’t you? Thanks for the birthday greetings.

  6. I’m glad you’re feeling better. My husband likes to do a lot himself, but sometimes it’s easier to let the guys with the right tools and crew do things. Yay for having time to work on your book and for being with your daughter and granddaughter.

  7. Oh–and belated happy birthday!

  8. Hi Linda, Welcome to Moose Jaw! My friend Dave put me on to your site. (Probably because two of our children are adopted so we have great interest in hearing perspectives on what that journey may be like for them.) I read “Watching the Great Fall” and found a lot that resonated with me. Hopefully I’ll get to meet you and your husband soon.

    1. Hi Steve! Thanks for visiting my blog, reading, and commenting. Looking forward to meeting you soon!

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