Linda Hoye dot com

Garden Time

Just like that, it’s spring! Gerry worked hard over the weekend to get my new raised garden beds ready for planting. He and Makiya raked the back lawn and tidied the beds around the perimeter where we’re waiting and watching to see what comes up. The lilacs are budding and I’m getting itchy to plant.

Today is the day. I’m going to toss seeds for spinach, radishes, and lettuce in the ground and make a rough plan for what else is going where in the coming weeks. Soon, I’ll start hardening off tomato and pepper plants I’ve been growing under lights downstairs, but they won’t go in the ground for a while. It’s going to be a learning year (we’re in Zone 4A here in Moose Jaw as opposed to Zone 6A in Kamloops).

Meanwhile, I’ve got writing projects on my desk in the woman cave and painting projects on the art table downstairs. And a delicious drive through the prairie every afternoon, where I’m seeing evidence of farmers moving (seeding is late this year), to pick Makiya up from school. It’s a good Saskatchewan life.

Meanwhile, here are a few images I captured of the bounty from my garden in Kamloops a few years ago. 🙂


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