Linda Hoye dot com

It’s Spring

Days slip by and I find myself in these last ones of April wondering how we got here so quickly. A fat robin hops across the roof outside the window of my office as I’m writing this and, while I pause to watch him, the thrill of seeing the first robins of spring has faded.

My mind turns to the garden and I’m already fretting about being away from it for a week next month, though nothing is growing in it yet. Tomato and pepper seedlings grow ever stronger and larger each day under grow lights downstairs.

Gerry spends time in the yard clearing weeds from the back alleyway, tidying the grass that abuts onto the front sidewalk, and puttering.

Sidetracked by indoor projects, I haven’t shifted yet but it’s coming. I change over the clothes in my closet, do some online shopping to freshen my wardrobe, and slide my feet into Birks more often than pulling on Blundstones.

We enjoy a brief visit with my cousin who is in town for a grandson’s hockey, and an overnight visit with another who is on his way west after a junket to view the eclipse.

Gerry and I celebrate 25 years of marriage with lunch out and an afternoon at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park, where prairie crocuses are in bloom as far as the eye can see.

I wander in a cemetery close to where we live, the one my grandparents and other family members are buried in, taking photographs of headstones for Find-a-Grave, a volunteer activity I’ve come to enjoy.

I get lost in cyberspace tracing my maternal grandmothers, finding the SS Mount Royal ship’s manifest that brought my great grandmother, Margaretta Sunderman, and her family to the port of Quebec, Canada on October 26, 1907. Like many things, genealogy is male-centric, and I spend hours looking for information on Margaretta’s mother, Maria Heide. So far, she remains a mystery.

We attend an evening meeting of the local nature society and miss attending another month for the photography group. As always, I wish these things took place in the afternoon instead.

Molly reaches ten-months-of-age and I switch her from puppy to adult food.

I take a photo every day showing Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan sunshine, and post it on Instagram.

We attend a play called Spirit Control at the Mae Wilson Theatre downtown. It takes us a while to get into it, but the second act brings it all together and by the end of it my mind is tied up in knots by the twists and final turn. It’s an evening well spent.

I tend to blog housekeeping tasks and make a big decision that requires a lot of work to fulfill. More on that later.

And here we are in the last few days of April. It’s spring, and it arrived right on time, as it always does.


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