Thursday Thoughts

I don't know where this week has gone. Discombobulated, given the Labour Day holiday, and, in a sense, a short week (though in retirement there's really no such thing as a short week). Still, it's felt a little upside-down. I harvested the last of the tomatoes this week in light of threats of frost not... Continue Reading →


It's a fulfilling time of year. I love seeing combines in the fields bringing in the harvest. I live vicariously through hard-working farmers, allowing myself to feel—what? Relief? Comfort? Satisfaction? Perhaps all the above. Some fields are littered with bales: hay to feed animals throughout the winter or straw for other purposes (like covering the... Continue Reading →

A Few Things

Supper's simmering (skillet dinner for the win), Gerry's watching  the Olympics, and baby Molly is napping. I'm taking advantage of a few quiet minutes to write a blog post and share a few things that are on my mind. Thing 1. I started following Karen's Over the Backyard Fence not long after I joined the... Continue Reading →

Friday’s Fave Five- August 18

Since we’re past the 15th, we’re now officially in late-August. I feel it. Gerry commented this week that he feels it too. Change is in the air. For now, lest I get too far ahead of my pumpkin-spice-latte-craving self, let’s look back at things I’m thankful for this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post.... Continue Reading →

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