Linda Hoye dot com

Tag: home

  • Friday’s Fave Five – September 1, 2023

    Friday’s Fave Five – September 1, 2023

    Someone asked me yesterday if I was doing anything special for the long weekend. Long weekend? I suppose there is one coming up—and one that marks a return to routine that even us older folks still feel and appreciate. But one of the great gifts of retirement is that the only thing long weekends mean…

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  • Friday’s Fave Five- August 18

    Friday’s Fave Five- August 18

    Since we’re past the 15th, we’re now officially in late-August. I feel it. Gerry commented this week that he feels it too. Change is in the air. For now, lest I get too far ahead of my pumpkin-spice-latte-craving self, let’s look back at things I’m thankful for this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post.…

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  • What’s On My Mind

    What’s On My Mind

    We’ve enjoyed a great week that included a fun and fabulous visit from Gerry’s sister, Barb, and her husband, Laurie. Company means an opportunity to play tourist in the city where you live and we did that. We also just enjoyed spending time together laughing, enjoying good conversation, and playing a fun new game (Codenames.…

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  • When the Cat (Read: Husband) is Away

    When the Cat (Read: Husband) is Away

    Both my Kindle and Kobo are charging, so I thought I’d pop in and say hello! It’s quiet around here with Gerry back in B.C. hiking. So quiet, in fact, that I’ve resorted to tuning into the local radio station sometimes—unheard of for one, like me, who embraces silence as often as possible. I’m talking…

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  • Mid-July . . . and a nod to the girl I was and the woman I am

    Mid-July . . . and a nod to the girl I was and the woman I am

    After morning watering, I harvested the first of many Sugar Plum tomatoes from the garden and plucked the first cucumber from the vine. I had already picked a bowl of green beans and tucked them in the fridge. After tomorrow’s picking, I’ll snap, blanch, and tuck them away in the freezer for winter. Our upright…

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  • An Old School Blog Post

    An Old School Blog Post

    Still coming down from the high that the Saskatchewan Festival of Words was last week and more than a little surprised and grateful that little ol’ Moose Jaw is home to this event. I’m inspired as a reader, writer, and person by the sessions I attended and chewing on next steps (apart from diving into…

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  • Experiences


    It’s been another week full of experiences and it’s about to get better. But it’s  also been a week of melancholy—I saw it coming—so I’m gentle with myself. Walks in the beautiful Wakamow Valley provide healing balm. We traveled to Regina and immersed ourselves in the Beyond Van Gogh experience with friends, enjoyed lunch at…

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  • The Gift of Ordinary

    The Gift of Ordinary

    I am sitting at the desk in my office. It faces the window and I see Gerry going back and forth from the garage to the backyard where he is fixing the gate leading from our backyard to the alley. I love that we have a back alley. We had one when I was a…

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  • Five Favourite Things

    Five Favourite Things

    It’s Friday! Time to look back a things I’m thankful for in my world this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post. This is kind of a mush-mash post with good things melded together. I think that’s okay. 🙂 Gerry and I have been Moose Jaw residents for six months today. We’re on the home…

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  • Prelude to Summer

    Prelude to Summer

    We’re awaiting the delivery of a lot of pea gravel. Some number of yards, Gerry tells me. It doesn’t compute in my brain, but I know it’s going to be a lot, so we’ll stick with that. Right now, he’s in the garage assembling a second wheelbarrow he picked up this morning at Canadian Tire…

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  • Friday’s Fave Five in Pictures – June 1

    Friday’s Fave Five in Pictures – June 1

    It’s been a busy week and I’ve been heads-down at my desk for a good chunk of it. Putting together a Friday’s Fave Five post reminds me of the good things that also made up the substance of this week. Time spent in the beautiful Wakamow Valley. There’s a lot to explore and I look…

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  • Anything But Ordinary

    Anything But Ordinary

    It’s been a busy week. Gerry has worked hard to put down mulch in our front perennial beds, which involved sorting weed from plant and disposing of the former first. The beds look great. I’ll share photos after more than just columbine is in bloom. The backyard is ready for serious work we’re planning to…

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