A Fine Friday Night

We sit in the sanctuary of the beautiful old St. Andrews church (originally built in 1912, rebuilt in the early 1960s after a devastating fire) where my parents were married 75 years ago. We’re here for a sold out spring performance by the Moose Jaw Community Choir. I imagine my parents standing at the front... Continue Reading →

Falling for the Prairie

It’s another beautiful sunshiny day in Moose Jaw and Gerry suggests a short walk. There’s still snow on the ground in places, remnants from last weeks storm, and there’s a bottleneck at the front door while decisions about footwear are made. He opts for Sorrels I slip my feet into Sketchers, refusing to don boots... Continue Reading →

Prairie Peace

In the morning, we go out to run errands, and when we get home and I open the door leading from the garage into the laundry room, I expect to see my tiny dog Murphy waiting to greet me. Every time I get ready to go out, I pause, asking myself if I need to... Continue Reading →

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