Tag: writing
Sunday Afternoon Check-In
Popping in to say “hello” and share some good things from the past week as it seems I’ve formed a habit of writing something here on Sunday afternoons (At least, I’ve done so for the two Sundays before this one. Does that count as a habit?) Sunshine and trickling snowmelt rivulets as winter gives way…
Projects. I Like Them.
Some of you are coming down off a turkey high this morning. The rest of us are just doing Friday, having celebrated a low-key Canadian Thanksgiving back in October. I’m back at my desk in the woman cave, starting to put together my 2024 blog book. I’ve compiled all my posts in book format for…
A Busy Day
It’s 3:00 p.m.. I went to my desk around 9:3o this morning, as Gerry was leaving for the gym, and have been there most of the day, save for a break for lunch and a game of chess. For most of the day, I’ve been working on writing competitions for Story Circle Network. One, just…
Letter Writing
I’ve got a pot of potato soup simmering on the stove for lunch. It smells delicious (there’s bacon in it, so how could it not?). Bacon’s good, but I don’t like cooking it. Apart from the fact that it’s messy, the heavy smell sticks around for a long time afterward and I don’t like that.…
What’s Stopping You?
It’s Tuesday morning. Gerry will be home from the gym in about a half hour, and we’ll enjoy a bowl of homemade chicken soup and a game of chess. This afternoon, we’ll take Molly to get her nails cut and, perhaps, wander around the beautiful Wakamow Valley, where fall colours are at a peak, with…
A Whole Lot of Too Much
I mentioned last time that we traveled to British Columbia to visit our daughter and bring our granddaughter back to Saskatchewan with us for her summer visit. It’s a long way to travel: 1305 km / 811 miles. About 14 hours in total. We overnighted in a hotel part way there, but made it all…
It’s been a good week. Coffee with friends on Sunday afternoon, photographing storm clouds, and visiting and enjoying lunch with my cousin and her husband in Swift Current yesterday. These delights peppered amidst mornings spent planting and puttering and wandering in the garden with a mug of coffee looking for new growth. Some days, windows…
An Afternoon In The Old Neighbourhood
The moment I see it on my Facebook feed, I know I’ll go. Gerry and I don’t, as a rule, go to garage sales, but one held in the Christian education center attached to the church where I was baptized (the first time), where I attended Sunday School as a kid, went to Brownies, and…
Letters From the Afterlife
A few weeks after she died, I opened her mailbox and found a letter addressed to my mom written in her own handwriting. Yesterday, I read a sample from Joy Williams’ short story collection, Ninety-Nine Stories of God and the first story, Postcard, reminded me of that day. It’s very short. I tried to find…
Good Friday
Molly and I were up early as usual. We woke to snow—one last (I hope) blast from Old Man Winter. His days are numbered; next week looks stellar in terms of weather. I watched part of last night’s Maundy Thursday service online this morning, thankful for technology. More thankful for Jesus. It’s after 2 p.m.…
Joy Sparkers Abound
What a great week it’s been. I was inspired to jot down a few things that have sparked joy in me the past couple of days and thought I’d share it here. A good haircut (at last!). Seeing and hearing kids playing outside and wearing shorts and t-shirts. Flocks of Canada Geese returning from their…