Linda Hoye dot com

Telling Our Stories

Yesterday afternoon, from the comfort of my office, I attended a board meeting for the Story Circle Network via Zoom. Ten women gathered together to write, share what SCN activities we were proud of over the past year, and talk about business—which didn’t seem like business. It felt more like what it really is: strong and supportive women discussing ways to create space for women to tell their stories. I came away feeling energized and reminded of how much this organization means to me.

I have loved Story Circle Network since I joined in 2007. Early on, it gave me the opportunity to see my words in print for the first time in the quarterly Journal. I’ve taken classes, been part of an e-circle, attended conferences, found books to read I might otherwise not have through Story Circle Book Reviews, served the organization as a distribution editor, volunteer judge, publications chair, blog coordinator, contest coordinator, board member, and other ways I can’t even think of at this moment. I found my writing tribe at SCN.

I love that SCN is a women-only organization. I love that it offers something for writers and readers. I love that it welcomes members who have never written anything before alongside those who have published books and that we learn from one another. I love remembering the thrill I felt when I was first published in the Journal and thinking about new members who are receiving the same. I love the friendships I’ve made.

The organization offers so many opportunities that it’s difficult to capture them all, and we’re still growing. Opportunities to have your work published in a book form anthology? Yes. A myriad of classes to take to improve your writing and learn more about the publishing landscape? You bet. International travel opportunities to write with a group in a beautiful place like Sicily? Yes, we offer that too! There’s something for everyone at Story Circle Network. When I first got involved, we already had members from all over the world and now, with technology advances, it’s easier than ever to get involved no matter where you live.

When we lived in Washington, I started a writing group based on the Story Circle Network model. A story circle is not a critique group or a class; it’s simply a safe place where we share our stories and find encouragement. I started an online Zoom circle when we lived in Kamloops (that group has since began meeting in person after those who weren’t local moved on). Now, I’m pondering starting another one here in Moose Jaw in the new year. That, or an Older Women’s Legacy (OWL) group to help women of a certain age get started on writing stories about their life.

I’m starting to ramble, so I’ll cut this short. Let me just say that if you’re a woman who has ever thought about writing about your life and you imagine doing so with the support and encouragement of other women, Story Circle Network is the organization for you.

(I didn’t mean for this post to turn into a commercial for Story Circle Network but it seems to have gone that way. No apologies. 🙂 )


One response to “Telling Our Stories”

  1. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for writing about Story Circle Network. The group has been a positive motivator for me too. Brava for the organization to encourage women to write their stories!

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