Linda Hoye dot com

My Top Twelve Photographs Of 2024

I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, the land of living skies. It’s impossible not to take gorgeous photos of this province. It’s beautiful here. And yes, I understand that it’s all in the eye of the beholder. Recently, someone commented that some of quick phone images of the Saskatchewan prairie I posted on social media make it look barren. Barren, I thought? Not a chance!

Gerry and I often go for drives on prairie roads. Sometimes, I capture quick images with my phone when something catches my eye or quickens my heart. Other times, we take our grown-up Canon cameras and shoot intentionally.

As we’re nearing the end of another year, I thought I’d share a dozen favourites I shot with my big girl camera to give you a glimpse into our beautiful province.

“Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.” Ansel Adams

Here’s to another year of getting out and appreciating the beautiful world we live in!


8 responses to “My Top Twelve Photographs Of 2024”

  1. Your part of the world is certainly beautiful, Linda.

    1. I’m heavily biased toward the beauty of Saskatchewan, Kate, even as I know that every place the world over has a unique beauty of its own. Like yours!

  2. Beautiful, Linda! Here’s to another year of getting out and enjoying our beautiful world! Thanks for sharing yours! Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Wynne! Here’s to another year of enjoying creation!

  3. Your photos bring a quietness to the heart. Thanks for sharing them, Linda.

    1. Oh, thank you, Caitlynne. Anytime I can contribute quiet and calm I feel like I’ve accomplished something important.

  4. I love the prairie, too! Your photos bring it to life. I’m reading a wonderful book called Where the Sky Began by John Madson, about the preservation of the American prairies. His writing is quite beautiful.

    1. Happy 2025, Karen! I’m off to look for that book now.

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