Linda Hoye dot com

Welcome 2024

It’s a quiet day around the old homestead as we ease into the first day/week/month of a brand new shiny year. I was up at absurdly early thirty with Molly, who decided that, since she couldn’t stay up to ring in the new year, she’d wake up a few hours after it dawned. I did my best to encourage her to go back to sleep until a more reasonable hour, but she was so excited about starting 2024 that she was having none of it. She’s napping now and I’m seriously thinking about putting turning on the television to a painting program (which, for some reason, always puts me to sleep) and grabbing a few winks myself.

I took the non-traditional tree down. Gerry and I have grabbed a few minutes here and there throughout the day to put a few more pieces in our latest jigsaw puzzle. I finished the book I’ve been reading. We had lunch. Played chess. Spent more time on the puzzle. He’s in his office sending some Happy New Year emails at the moment (he’s so much better than I am at things like that).

It snowed! Big, fat, fluffy flakes that petered out all too soon. Blue sky and sunshine now.

I’ve spent a good chunk of time putting together my 2023 blog book and I’m almost ready to send it to print. Just a bit more formatting, which I’ll tackle tomorrow when I’m (hopefully) well rested.

All in all, it’s a pleasant easing into a new year. Hope you’re enjoying your day as much as I am ours.


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