Linda Hoye dot com

Welcome May

It stopped me in my tracks.

We’ve all heard or read that phrase so often that it’s become cliché., but this morning, I did it. Literally.

Molly and I got up at our usual time, around 4:30 a.m. I brewed a cup of tea, and we settled into the wing chair in my office for a couple of hours. She curled up and went back to sleep while I read, and poked around on some websites I check out every morning. There was nothing out of the ordinary about our routine.

Around 6:45, we were both restless and ready for the day to begin. I grabbed my empty mug, opened my office door and headed toward the kitchen to get her breakfast. That’s when what I saw outside the window literally stopped me in my tracks. It was snowing!

We had a great amount of rain yesterday and expect more today and tomorrow. The crops and gardens need the moisture, so there’s nothing to complain about. But snow? That might be a step too far on the first day of May.

I grabbed my phone to capture a couple of images because I knew it wasn’t going to last. Sure enough, by the time Gerry and I were halfway through our first cup of coffee the snow had turned to sleet and, eventually, back to rain.

The snow is gone now, but sweet rain continues to fall. We had plans to go out this morning to look for a post for the front deck which we need to install a gate to prevent Molly from racing out the front door when we open it bound for who-knows-where, but I made an executive decision and declared it to be a home day for me.

I’ve got projects on the go, but I’m leaning toward working on none of them at the moment. Sometimes, a woman just needs time to do nothing.


9 responses to “Welcome May”

  1. Snow? Crazy! Hope you enjoy your home day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Wynne. Yes. Snow in May is absolutely crazy! Hope you’re having a good day too.

  2. jodaley Avatar

    Snow in May would be a tough one for me to face. It’s 80 degrees here today and I’m ready for these nicer temps to hang around. Thanks for visiting my blog. I post the Hodgepodge questions on my blog on Tuesdays, then the link goes up on Wednesdays. It’s a friendly bunch so definitely hop back and play along next week! Have a great day!

    1. Ah, I’m envious of your 80 degrees. We’ll get there, eventually. Thanks so much for stopping by today.

  3. I think the weather has been crazy in general. But snow in May? It looks beautiful though. Hope you enjoyed your day, Linda!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lauren. Beautiful? Maybe in December, not so much in May! It didn’t last though. ‘ve enjoyed looking around your beautiful online space too.

      1. You’re welcome, Linda, and I understand about snowing in May. It isn’t normal. Since we don’t get snow in the bay area in CA, it’s beautiful anytime. 🙂 But I hope it warms up for you soon! 🌞🌻

  4. We had a couple of big storms in April. I know better than to do this, but. . . I’m hoping that’s the end of the snow for us.

    I like your new place, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Karen! Let’s hope it’s the end of the white stuff for both of us!

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