Linda Hoye dot com

We’re Expecting

If you follow me on Facebook, you’re already privy to the exciting news in our household. One of these sweet Yorkie babies is coming home with us in a little over three weeks!

Photo by Shawna Usyk


Preparing for the new arrival is exciting, tinged with bittersweet, having said goodbye to Murphy and Maya so recently. Bringing a dog into your life is accepting that it’s very likely you’re going to have your heart broken at some point. For me, it’s a price worth paying for the blessing of sharing your life and home with a dog.

Photo by Shawna Usyk


We’ve been following the pups in this litter since they were born, thanks to our breeder who generously shares progress photos and videos. Two girls and two boys, and we didn’t find out for sure that we’d be able to bring one of them home until this week. The breeder planned to hold at least one of them back and we didn’t know if a girl would be available or if we’d have to wait for the next litter. Everyone in Moose Jaw must have heard my “woo hoo!” when I got the text confirming a girl was available for us.

Photo by Shawna Usyk


Now, I’m shopping and anticipating and planning and counting down the days until I hold a sweet Yorkie puppy in my arms again.


4 responses to “We’re Expecting”

  1. Mary Jo Doig Avatar
    Mary Jo Doig

    Love to you all, Linda, and congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary Jo! We’re so excited!

  2. Congratulations, dear friend! Look forward to vicariously enjoying the growth of this cute pup. Blessings on all three of you.

    1. Thank you, Sherrey. And may I say again how happy I am that you’re writing/blogging again. 🙂

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