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Who Doesn’t Love Lilacs?

The rain has (finally) given way to blue skies and sunshine. I’m not begrudging our run of wet weather but was starting to feel as if we were living in western Washington again instead of sunny Saskatchewan. We really needed the rain but I’m ready to move on and enjoy a good long season of warm spring weather.

I’ve drafted a plan for the garden and will to get out there tomorrow to start planting—it’s too windy today and the smell from a nearby feedlot is a bit too, er, pungent. This morning, I brought the tomato and pepper seedlings upstairs from where they’ve been living their best life under lights on a heat mat. It’s time to let them soak up sunshine and ever-so-gradually start the hardening off process.

When I was outside earlier, I noticed buds on the lilac bushes in our backyard and honest-to-goodness flowers on a bush I don’t know the name of. I snapped a photo of both (one for my daily #moosejawsunshine Instagram post; the other because it’s pretty.)

In years past, lilacs have been the a favourite subject of my photography practice at this time of year. I thought I’d share a few images here today.

Are lilacs in bloom yet where you live?


One response to “Who Doesn’t Love Lilacs?”

  1. Glorious! No lilacs in Florida, but I have written about lilacs in Pennsylvania.

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