Linda Hoye dot com

A Few Things

Supper’s simmering (skillet dinner for the win), Gerry’s watching  the Olympics, and baby Molly is napping. I’m taking advantage of a few quiet minutes to write a blog post and share a few things that are on my mind.

Thing 1. I started following Karen’s Over the Backyard Fence not long after I joined the blogosphere in 2007 (you should check out her blog). Recently, when I made a comment on my FB page about nostalgia for old-school blogging, she agreed and likened her style of blogging to having a penpal. I love that! It’s what this blog once was and it’s what I hope it becomes again. The latest post mentioned her feeling that we are “living in the worst of times” in some ways, and highlighted her (and my) belief that our lives are largely influenced by what we choose to focus on. She’s speaking my language. (Seriously, check out her blog.)

Thing 2. I’ve dealt with a Morton’s Neuroma for years thanks, I believe, to years of wearing poor-fitting shoes that were more about style than comfort. It’s raising its ugly, and very painful, head lately to the point that it’s affecting my life and causing me to hobble around in constant pain lately. If you’ve dealt with such a thing and have suggestions for coping, please share what you know.

Thing 3. We’re days away from September and I’m ready for the change. I’ve got a mountain of Swiss chard and beets in the garden that I need to tend to. Thing 2 is putting a damper on my plans but I’ll push through. I’m using tomatoes as they come ripe or tossing them in the freezer. Hoping to score a case or two of Roma tomatoes to slow-roast with onions, garlic, and assorted herbs, then freeze. Speaking of freezing, our freezer is filling up nicely, though not quite as quickly as previous years. I’ll canning beet pickles soon. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the weather holds out long enough to get corn since we planted late. Overall, I’m pleased with the garden, our first here in Saskatchewan. It’s been a learning year and we got started late thanks to the backyard makeover,but she’s fed us well and will continue to do so over the winter.

Thing 4. We’re in for a few very warm days this week—rain too. August isn’t too soon to enjoy the first pumpkin spice latte or pumpkin spice frappuccino of the season, is it? I saw that became available last week so I’m gonna do it. I’ve been craving one for weeks. Gerry and I are seeing a new dental hygienist this week (on separate days), so I might sneak up to Starbucks after my turn and score one—hot or cold, depending on the weather.

Thing 5. Things are a bit chaotic around here right now . . .

. . . thanks to this girl.

Regular programming in all areas will resume when it resumes. 🙂


3 responses to “A Few Things”

  1. New puppy living room is a lot like baby-toddler living room! LOL

    1. It’s exactly like that!!

  2. Thank you for the kind words and the link to my blog, Linda. I feel nostalgic for the ‘old days’ of blogging, too. I’m with you on getting back to connecting with other bloggers! I’ve been remiss in that.

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