Linda Hoye dot com

A Sweet, and Ordinary, Saturday in May

Gerry slips out early, and brings back coffee and breakfast sandwiches which we enjoy while planning the day. I propose a trip to a small vendor and garden show (which ultimately takes us farther down the road to a pottery sale). He is eager to get back to installing our rain barrel but agrees to the diversion.

We end up visiting a couple of nurseries and big box garden centres. I’m wishy-washy about what flowers to choose for our new yard, but end up (finally!) making choices. Meanwhile, Gerry remains patient but I can tell he’s itching to get home and get to work.

We spend most of the day in the yard. Our next door neighbour stops by asking if we would like him to power rake our small front lawn. Gerry and he discuss a joint project for the future. I plant marigolds; get brave and tuck a first sowing of bean seeds in the soil. I plant four pots that will bring colour to our deck. Think about where to plant the tomatoes. Establish a spot for a memorial to my sweet Yorkie, Murphy, and my perfect dog, Chelsea. Gerry finishes setting up the rain barrel—now we need rain. I’m torn between wishing for torrents of it, and longing for a string of warm, if not hot, sunny days. According to the forecast, the latter will win out.

We order pizza for dinner—from a new place because of regular place has lost power. The three of us declare the new place should be our regular place (not that we order pizza all that often, but we have been growing tired of the old place anyway).

Makiya goes out with friends for a while. I go to bed with my Kindle. Gerry tunes in to a hockey game, and waits up for Makiya. And just like that day is done. It’s been another good one.


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