Linda Hoye dot com

An Old School Blog Post

Still coming down from the high that the Saskatchewan Festival of Words was last week and more than a little surprised and grateful that little ol’ Moose Jaw is home to this event. I’m inspired as a reader, writer, and person by the sessions I attended and chewing on next steps (apart from diving into the deep and delicious virtual TBR pile on my Kindle).

Gerry and I went for a drive on Sunday after church with a general destination in mind. We got a bit lost but ended up finding spectacular photo opportunities and had fun playing with our grown up cameras.

This ‘n that happening this week as he prepares to head to B.C. for a hiking trip that’s been in the works for the better part of a year. There’s a risk that the smoke situation may curb some of the group’s plans which Is a problem every year in recent years but he’ll be in B.C. soon regardless.

I’m busy with a few things at home this week: weeding and tending the garden, behind the scenes Story Circle Network and InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship activities,  and intentionally taking downtime to read and rest. Also wrapping my head around a paint project I want to dabble with. Also freezing and eating oh-so-delicious cherries and blueberries (my summertime favourite!). I miss the abundance of B.C. fruit, but we’re finding fruit sources here too.

Life carries on, things get done, God is good. My offerings here lately remind me of my old school blog posts when I started out back in 2007. I’m not sure what to make of that—if anything.


2 responses to “An Old School Blog Post”

  1. Hi Linda, I love your pictures. Each worthy of a thousand words plus more. The history alone is mind-boggling. I took a look at the Saskatchewan Festival. How awesome! I have not been to a writers’ conference in years. I always think they help to spur you on to either finish the project at hand or push you on to the next work. Would love to also do a Writing in Residency, but haven’t found one within my budget. Thanks for sharing. Praying your husband has an awesome, smoke-free time of hiking.

  2. I enjoyed your old school blog post. I started blogging in 2004 so this is nostalgic, but in a good way. I sometimes wonder how we got from gentle posts like this one to what we do now. Nothing wrong with more involved blog posts, but I do remember how easy it used to be.

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