Linda Hoye dot com

Five Favourite Things

It’s Friday! Time to look back a things I’m thankful for in my world this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post. This is kind of a mush-mash post with good things melded together. I think that’s okay. 🙂

Gerry and I have been Moose Jaw residents for six months today. We’re on the home stretch with the backyard Grass to Garden project, but I’m hoping we’ll take a midday break and go out for lunch to celebrate. We’ll see. Once you’re closing in on the finish line it can be tough to pause.

We’re awaiting delivery on two more raised gardens, but the soil is arriving today and we’ll be filling the four that are already in place. I’m already dreaming of planting—albeit late this year, but there’s still time. The raised beds on the deck are already feeding us with salad. I love having morning coffee out there and wandering around surveying the growth, and mornings are about to get exponentially better with the big beds in place.

In between work outside (which, to be honest, Gerry has done far more than I, even roping in the neighbours on either side to put pea gravel down on the areas between our houses), I’ve been busy this week with website work for the InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. I can easily get lost in behind-the-scenes techie work. It’s my virtual happy place (in a very different way than the garden is).

I’m picking up two cases of strawberries this morning, planning to freeze most of them and debating whether to make jam or wait for raspberries(the favourite around here). There will be strawberries and vanilla ice cream and maybe strawberry shortcake happening too.

We had a big storm one evening this week reminiscent of the ones I remember from when I was a kid living here. There were reports of hail and funnel clouds (which thankfully, didn’t touch down), booming thunder, pretty lightening, and a downpour of rain. It seemed like a downpour, though our rain gauge recorded only a half inch.

It’s been a good, and very full week. So much to be thankful for.

Can I add one more?

The greening fields I drive past every day going to and from Caronport. Still, after six months, I catch myself smiling and there’s a little catch in my heart at the realization that I get to live here at long last.


10 responses to “Five Favourite Things”

  1. I love this and your pictures add that visual touch of thankfulness. Great reasons to be thankful. Yes, I’m a bit techie myself and often lose track of time. Your veggies look great. I would love to do that type of gardening, but the deer around here tend to help themselves to everything green. Nothing is off limit to them. Linda, you are truly blessed. Thanks for putting that first smile of the day on my face.

    1. Ah, a fellow techie! I suspected you were one of us, Judy. 🙂

  2. Your garden is looking lovely. It must be so satisfying seeing all the changes come to fruition. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Hope you had a good weekend too, Wendy.

  3. Your plants look great! My husband used to garden. But we have such bugs down here. We didn’t want to use pesticides, but natural means weren’t working, either. So we eventually gave up. We also have wild bunnies who visit the back yard for the thistle, who would probably have a time with a garden. But I love the idea of pulling things out of a garden for a fresh salad.

    I’m glad some people are techies who can understand and handle things the rest of us can’t. 🙂 The writers group sounds great.

    Strawberry shortcake sounds like a wonderful idea!

  4. faitheturner Avatar

    the plants look wonderful and my husband is a soft ware engineer so i know all about you techies. hahaah

    we LOVE Raspberry jam…how fun that you can make your own!! I buy mine from a local artisan at the farmers market in Saratoga Springs.

    Pretty picture of the grassy field!


  5. Beautiful! My mother and I planted the gardens where I live now. She passed away three years ago and this is the first year I have been able to even step foot into the back yard without breaking into tears. I’m hoping I can get out there and do some gardening again. I miss it but I miss her more.

    1. Ah, I’m so sorry. I don’t think we ever get over the loss of our mothers completely. I hope the garden can turn into a place of peace and healing for you in time. xo

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