Linda Hoye dot com

Friday’s Fave Five – October 27

This week has passed at a comfortable pace. It’s a relief after a month of feeling like I had too many commitments. Looking back at a few things I’m grateful for this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post.

It’s been two months since we brought Miss Molly home, but it feels like she’s been part of our family for longer. It doesn’t take long for a puppy to make their way, and settle into, your heart and home. The first few weeks went by in a blur much like those first weeks with a newborn baby when chaos reigns, but we’ve settled into a regular routine and training is well underway (potty and otherwise). I’ll be glad when the barriers we erected in our living room to protect furniture from a puppy who likes to chew on everything can come down, and we can do away with the pen. All in good time.

Meanwhile, winter showed up. It doesn’t look like the white stuff is going away any time soon (though we go through cycles of melt and snow and melt and snow throughout the winter). For now, it’s icy and snowy but, thank goodness, not especially cold. Still, I’ve switched up my wardrobe to wearing sweatpants, long-sleeved shirts, and cozy socks at home. I’m leaning into the change and coziness. It’s not cold enough for the fireplace and reading socks, but those days will come.

Yesterday, I made beef stew for supper. It’s been a long time since I made stew and it was a nice change for this time of year. Plus, we get leftovers. No cooking for me tonight! Tra-la-la!!

I booked flights for a little trip I’m taking to see my girls in Kamloops next month. I also booked floats for Laurinda and me. Oh how I’ve missed my monthly 90-minute sensory deprivation float appointments.





7 responses to “Friday’s Fave Five – October 27”

  1. Like you, I feel as though I’ve arrived at a comfortable pace and place. After feeling frantic with a book tour and college reunion in Virginia this month, I am taking deep breaths. (A massage this morning is helping with that.)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Miss Molly could not be any cuter. Her pictures always bring a smile to my face. We’re expecting our first snow tomorrow. I’m looking forward to the cozy pace of November.

  3. Stews and comfort food sound lovely now you have snow. And Miss Molly is way too cute!

  4. ‘This week has passed at a comfortable pace. It’s a relief after a month of feeling like I had too many commitments.’

    I couldn’t agree with you more, Linda! These recent days have been a lovely, needed respite, and we’ve been fortunate with beautiful end-of-summer-like weather. What a gift to be outside in His creation, readying ourselves for the coming season by the fireside.

  5. willowknits Avatar

    Yes, it is the season for comfort foods. Especially after seeing your snowfall, I realize that we too will be heading into ‘winter’. I do hope that fall will linger a bit longer, though.
    Oh my, Miss Molly is adorable!
    Enjoy a good warm and cozy weekend~

  6. faitheturner Avatar

    Such a cute puppy!
    I hope you have a wonderful trip!!
    Keep the snow up there please at least until Xmas Eve!! 🙂

  7. I’ve just been thinking that stew sounded really good! You’re making me want it even more.

    Molly looks cute but mischievous. 🙂

    I’m glad you’re getting to see your girls next month!

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