Linda Hoye dot com

Good Friday

Molly and I were up early as usual. We woke to snow—one last (I hope) blast from Old Man Winter. His days are numbered; next week looks stellar in terms of weather. I watched part of last night’s Maundy Thursday service online this morning, thankful for technology. More thankful for Jesus.

It’s after 2 p.m. now. I’ve spent a good chunk of this day so far in the woman cave writing (and all that jazz, because writing doesn’t always involve fingers on keyboard or pen on paper). It’s good to get back at it after being away for a few days. I’m having a blast with words and feeling myself slip into myself.

Gerry and I will be heading out in a bit to attend the Good Friday service at our church. With being away, I’ve felt discombobulated this Holy Week. It will be good to gather with our church family on this sombre day. This morning, I was thinking about the hymn, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (written in 1707 by Isaac Watts) and these final words: Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my Soul, my Life, my All.

That pretty much sums it up.


One response to “Good Friday”

  1. Choosing Peace Avatar
    Choosing Peace

    I envy you the snow, Linda. Where I live in the subtropics, the heat and humidity has dragged on and on and we too are ready for a change soon, hopefully into cooler weather. We attend a large Pentecostal church and the Good Friday service was amazing with the Christian message powerfully and loudly preached. However, I do so miss the beautiful Easter hymns such as ‘There is a Green Hill Far Away’, which rarely seem to be sung any more, yet the words are so beautiful. I deliberately took myself off to a second church service in the afternoon, one which was more quiet and contemplative. There’s room for both types of service and both preach the same message, but in different ways. Enjoy the rest of your Easter break and please send some of that lovely cool weather our way across the planet!

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