Linda Hoye dot com

Hurts So Good

It’s spring—for real, this time—in Saskatchewan. The temperature is currently 28C / 82F; the windows are open, and my back is aching from time spent working out in the yard yesterday and today. No complaints. This is what we’ve been waiting for!

This morning, the sound of lawn mowers broke the Saturday morning silence as it will from now until fall, I imagine. Kids playing, birds singing, and the roar of lawn mowers—quintessential sweet summer sounds.

Yesterday, I planted some cool weather seeds: lettuce, radishes, green onions, Swiss chard, peas, beets, and poppies. Gerry suggested a trip to the garden center when he arrived home from a hike. Wandering the aisles looking at plants was food for the soul. Afterward, he suggested we stop at McDonald’s (!) for a bite and, as it meant I wouldn’t have to think about dinner, I heartily agreed.

Ordinarily, I’m not a fan of the golden arches, but I was pleasantly surprised by the Quarter Pounder with cheese, fries, and root beer. Not so much the price, though! Once upon a time, we used to get coupons for another fast-food restaurant that said “two can dine for $7.99.” Those days are long gone. Still, it was a nice treat on a beautiful day.

This afternoon I planted sweet peas, sunflowers, and nasturtium and hauled watering can after watering can from the rain barrel to the gardens. Man, it felt good even though my back was protesting. I have scoliosis and had a rod inserted to straighten the curve when I was 16. I’ve still got a noticeable curve and my back is my weak point; I feel it more as the years go by.

Molly has had a grand time sniffing around and exploring. We’re going to have to get a few things, like an outside water dish and toys. Gerry picked up a little plastic wading pool for her. Don’t laugh. She’s made it known from the beginning when she chose to sit in the water dish at the breeders before we got her and, since then, use her paws to splash water from her dish all over the place. I predict she’ll love the pool in a month or two.

Gerry’s been busy outside installing a gate on our front step (necessary with an energetic pup in residence), cleaning out perennial beds, tending to the lawn, and, today, planting raspberries.

It’s just been a grand couple of days and so welcome after what seemed like a slow start to spring. This evening, we’re going to take in a performance by the Moose Jaw Community Choir. We went last year too and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Life goes on.


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