Linda Hoye dot com

It’s Snowing

“Oh, hello!”

My first glance out of the window in my office reveals feather-like flakes falling from the sky and a world that is, once again, white. Snow is different here than it was in B.C. It truly is like feathers and, with the addition of prairie wind, drifts are created that look like sculptured art. It can be quite lovely. No drifts this morning, though. Just feathers.

After the storm a couple of weeks ago, I heard a farmer on the local radio talking about the snowfall we received. “It’s still not enough,” he said. Saskatchewan, with some of the richest and most productive land anywhere, plays an important part in feeding the world. It is the world’s largest exporter of peas, lentils, durum wheat, mustard seed, canola, flaxseed and oats. Here’s a link to more facts about Canada’s breadbasket province.

Last week, Gerry was in Kamloops visiting a friend and he helped prune apple trees. It is definitely spring on the west coast and, thank goodness it is, because we’ll enjoy eating those apples and other fruit grown in that milder climate. If we were still there, I’d might have already tossed lettuce seeds in the ground. Here in Sasky, I still haven’t seen the ground I will have to work with as it’s still slumbering under a blanket of snow.

I could choose to groan at the appearance of more snow in spring and grumble about what I can’t do outside yet. Or, I could go another way, and be thankful for creation that knows what it needs in order to care for those who inhabit it and marvel at a Creator who works it all out for our good.

I choose the latter, with gratitude and wonder.


One response to “It’s Snowing”

  1. Yep, you have to decide if you’re going to spin the weather happy or grumble about it. Maybe a bit of both, just for balance.

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