Linda Hoye dot com

Oh, My Aching Back

My body is protesting this morning after a busy day outside yesterday helping Gerry put down mulch. I was doing okay until, embarrassingly, I took a bathroom break and twisted my back in the process. Crikey.

Anyway, it’s done and it looks great and we’re ready to move on with the next step of removing grass from the backyard and replacing it with pea gravel and raised garden beds.

We created a space under the crabapple tree for the final resting place of our Yorkies, Chelsea and Murphy. That was bittersweet, as we remembered the joy they brought while they were with us.

I don’t plan to leave the house today, except to pick Makiya up from school. I do plan to spend time in the deck chair I found a couple of months ago, with a good book and a glass of ice water or mug of hot tea.

But first, I’m Zooming, doing some work for InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship, and setting boundaries so I have ample deck time.


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