Linda Hoye dot com

Seasons of Change

I’m tired. I’ll just start off with that because that’s my overriding feeling right now. I’m thankful that Miss Molly slept well from the first night we brought her home—no issues there at all. A lack of sleep is not the reason I’m tired.

It’s the constant go, go, go that having a puppy requires. No complaints, just stating a fact. Also granting myself some grace, and thankful my husband does the same when I get tetchy. Which I do when I’m tired.

Anyway . . .

We packed Little Miss into her kennel this afternoon and went for a drive. I suspect Gerry’s suggestion that we get out of the house had more than a little to do with my weariness this week and a desire to do something that fills my emotional tank. It was a gift.

A surprise, too, because of all the colour in the valley. I’ve seen yellow-tipped trees here in town this week, but the Wakamow Valley is awash with colour. It’s beautiful and, as tomorrow is the first of September, not unexpected.

The times, they are a changin’.

This season, too, will pass.


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