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Sunday Drive

We miss attending church again this week because neither of us is feeling 100% yet. We’re still looking for a home church, had planned to attend a new one today, but a pair of sniffling and coughing seniors isn’t the first impression we want to present to a potential new church family. Best we stay home until we’re healthy.

After a noon-hour game of chess, Gerry suggests a drive. It’s cold (-34C / -29F with the windchill) but sunny so we bundle up and grab Maya and off we go. First stop, coffee, then we head north. I caution my husband that the roads might not be conducive for a relaxing Sunday drive and that if it’s anything like the blowing, drifting snow yesterday when I picked Makiya up for our weekly grandmother/granddaughter lunch yesterday, it wouldn’t be much fun. It was, and it wasn’t, so we turned around before we had gone too far and headed back toward town. Not before I captured a couple of quick images with my phone.

“Man, I love this land.” The words escape involuntarily, expressing the rootedness I feel here in Saskatchewan as I take a couple of photos. Some don’t understand what I mean when I talk about Saskatchewan views but those who get it, get it. This is a place like no other. This is home.


2 responses to “Sunday Drive”

  1. It sounds too cold there for me. I’ve always lived in north Texas or central or southern Oklahoma which are pretty flat too. It does get even flatter west of here with fewer trees. The panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma are bit too flat & treeless to suit me. Plus they are more prone to sandstorms. It is 34 degrees F with a windchill of 25 right now in Ardmore, OK (south central OK, 30 miles north of Texas). That is plenty cold enough to suit me.

  2. Jackie Phillips Avatar
    Jackie Phillips

    We are certainly cold again today, and staying in. I got busy baking and using up a few things that needed using.

    Saskatchewan is now home to me (born in BC, moved to Ontario when very young, moved back here as a grade 12 student). Open spaces, room to breath, gorgeous ever changing skies and for the most part friendly people.

    God bless.

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