Linda Hoye dot com

Tag: home

  • It’s Good to Be Home

    It’s Good to Be Home

    I flew to Kamloops with Makiya on Wednesday, bringing her summer visit with us to an end. We both remarked on how quickly the time had passed. She reminded me that we can have lunch together regularly, thanks to the plan we put into play a few years ago where we both get lunch and…

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  • Saturday Morning

    Saturday Morning

    I am sitting in the shade of our backyard gazebo, having just watered my gardens and pulled a few weeds. The temperature is a reasonable 27C / 81F respite after a week of heat that kept me mostly inside my air-conditioned home (we hit 40C / 104F one afternoon). Gerry is just home from a…

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  • A Whole Lot of Too Much

    A Whole Lot of Too Much

    I mentioned last time that we traveled to British Columbia to visit our daughter and bring our granddaughter back to Saskatchewan with us for her summer visit. It’s a long way to travel: 1305 km / 811 miles. About 14 hours in total. We overnighted in a hotel part way there, but made it all…

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  • Some Things I’m Grateful For Right Now

    Some Things I’m Grateful For Right Now

    It’s hockey night in Canada. Well, in the U.S. too, as the Stanley Cup final game between the Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers is playing on the big screen. Ordinarily, I’m not all that much of a hockey fan, but . . . So, for the moment at least, I find myself here on the…

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  • Small Beneath the Sky

    Small Beneath the Sky

    Small Beneath the Sky: A Prairie Memoir is the name of a book written by Saskatchewan author, Lorna Crozier. It has a home on my bookshelf. I recommend it. How can one feel anything but small when standing beneath the endless Saskatchewan sky? It is where I feel most at home. It’s where I breathe…

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  • A Cosy June

    A Cosy June

    I wake in the morning thinking about things I want to accomplish in the coming day, hoping the list is on the shorter side. By design, it usually is. This morning: a couple of emails to tend to, share the draft newsletter for InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship with the executive, put a pot of chicken…

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  • Intention


    It’s been a good week. Coffee with friends on Sunday afternoon, photographing storm clouds, and visiting and enjoying lunch with my cousin and her husband in Swift Current yesterday. These delights peppered amidst mornings spent planting and puttering and wandering in the garden with a mug of coffee looking for new growth. Some days, windows…

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  • An Afternoon In The Old Neighbourhood

    An Afternoon In The Old Neighbourhood

    The moment I see it on my Facebook feed, I know I’ll go. Gerry and I don’t, as a rule, go to garage sales, but one held in the Christian education center attached to the church where I was baptized (the first time), where I attended Sunday School as a kid, went to Brownies, and…

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  • My Word for 2024, And a Few of my Favourite Things

    My Word for 2024, And a Few of my Favourite Things

    I was on the fence about whether to choose a word for this year, but this one has been circling around in my mind for weeks. It comes unbidden. A reminder. A desire for more—or less, as it is. Simplify. It’s my intentional focus for this season of my life. Before we moved to Moose…

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  • It’s Been Cold

    It’s Been Cold

    Since we last met, it’s been cold. I mean really cold. This was the temperature on Saturday morning when I got up. The numbers shown are in Celsius—they equate to -31F that feels like -62F. There has been a similar pattern for the past week. We’re finally seeing a “warming trend”. We just got home…

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  • A Few of My Favourite Things

    A Few of My Favourite Things

    Thought I’d do something different today, and tell you about a few things that I’m enjoying these days. (Please note that I have no affiliation with any of these companies.) First up, Norwex kitchen cloths. I’ve had an ongoing battle with dishcloths over the years. Gerry washes the supper dishes so my need to use…

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  • I Miss My Office

    I Miss My Office

    For the past few weeks, I’ve been camped out with my MacBook and assorted piles of paper on a stool at my kitchen counter where I relocated from my woman cave. I have an office. I consider myself blessed to have had a room of my own for most of my adult life. It’s where…

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