Now and then, I like to look back at the week and call to mind some of the gifts it offered. What shimmered, so to speak. I heard that phrase recently and liked it. Here is a short list of a few things that shimmered for me this week.

Snowmelt. It’s not happening fast enough for my liking, but it’s happening. It is technically spring now, after all. (Let’s not mention the dump of snow on Monday that caused Gerry to drag out the snowblower for, what we hope is, one last time this season.) Monday’s snow is gone and the remaining piles are shrinking. I’m delighted with rivulets running down the street and puddles like small lakes. Not so much the potholes. I swear, Moose Jaw must be the pothole capital of Canada.
Coffee and conversation in a downtown shop with a new friend. I don’t like crowds, but you can sign me up for one-on-one conversation over a caramel latte any day.

I dropped tiny pelargonium (commonly called geranium) seeds in the Aerogarden on my kitchen countertop a few weeks ago and have delighted in watching the plants grow and flourish. I noticed the first bud this week. That was a sign to me that I need to cut them back and attempt to propagate plants I can use in the backyard this year.

A local market posted a picture of Saskatchewan-made haskap and blue cheese ice cream on social media and I had to try it. Oh. My. Word. It is so good. Expensive, but worth it. I’ve been enjoying a few spoonfuls every evening. (Haskap berries, in case you’re unfamiliar, are a northern-grown berry that’s chock full of antioxidants.)
Molly is going to the spa today and Gerry and I are planning on lunch out after we drop her off. He suggested sushi at a place we haven’t been to before. I can’t wait.
All in all, it’s been a good week with less noise in the form of news consumption and more quiet time and contemplation on eternal things. That’s the better way in my world.
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