Linda Hoye dot com

What a Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday, as I was driving home from an early morning appointment, I noticed most of the snow that fell a couple of weeks ago was gone. This morning we woke to white and, as of 2:30 p.m. when I’m writing this, it hasn’t stopped. What a difference a day makes.

I’ve given myself the gift of a reading day—it seems obligatory on a day such as this. A scented three-wick candle is burning, a mug of tea is by my side, and I’ve been lost in a book for much of the day so far while Molly has napped on my lap or in my arms. It’s been quite perfect.

Gerry was at the gym this morning and said the roads were terrible. I had planned to go to the library to write this afternoon but decided against it. He’s out shoveling the white stuff now and proclaimed it exceedingly heavy. We’re scheduled to go to puppy class this evening and I’m wondering if we’ll make it.

I don’t mind days like this at all. That said, in four months or so I’ll be more than ready for the season to change. Meanwhile, embracing it like the gift it is seems the wisest course of all.


3 responses to “What a Difference a Day Makes”

  1. Choosing Peace Avatar
    Choosing Peace

    You are very fortunate to live in such a seasonal area. I live in a subtropical area, which sounds very exotic, but it’s mainly hot and humid for most of the year. No spring, no autumn. I wasn’t raised in a climate like this and I so miss four seasons. There is definitely something about cosying up with a book and a warm drink. A bit of Danish hygge.

  2. Snow! Say it ain’t so.

    I’m with you on the delight of a reading day, Linda. A burning candle, a cozy throw, a mug of tea, phone on silent. Sheer bliss.

  3. What a lovely, cozy post. Loved seeing the snow adding the thoughts of cozying up inside with candles, tea, a warm puppy and a good book. Sounds about perfect. Thanks, Linda.

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