Linda Hoye dot com

When the Cat (Read: Husband) is Away

Both my Kindle and Kobo are charging, so I thought I’d pop in and say hello!

It’s quiet around here with Gerry back in B.C. hiking. So quiet, in fact, that I’ve resorted to tuning into the local radio station sometimes—unheard of for one, like me, who embraces silence as often as possible. I’m talking to myself regularly, too. I used to talk to the dogs when I was home alone; this must be a holdover from that.

Photo courtesy of Monika Taki


So, what have I been doing this week?

I had grand intentions to write while Gerry is away, but, apart from one afternoon when I felt inspired, find I’m using the time to read more than anything else. (Hence, the reason I needed to plug in both my e-readers.)

Tending the garden and enjoying a cucumber every day and a handful of sugar plum tomatoes—arguably the best-tasting tomatoes I’ve ever enjoyed. I’ll be saving seeds from these guys.

Freezing green beans.

Tending to Story Circle Network and InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship business.


Cleaning out the refrigerator.

Organizing cupboards in the laundry room.

Looking at pictures of Yorkies on Instagram.


Chatting with my daughter every morning.

Texting with my son, who’s up in the Yukon and working nights.

Talking to my granddaughter (“I miss you.” “I miss you too.”)


Freezing blueberries—and eating a LOT of them. They’re my hands-down favourite summer fruit.

Splashing paint on canvas.

Puttering. Reorganizing. Rearranging. In small measures.

Did I mention reading?

It’s all been and continues to be, quite delicious.


2 responses to “When the Cat (Read: Husband) is Away”

  1. You’ve posted a great picture of Gerry hiking in beautiful country back in B.C. I know the pleasure of being alone sometimes. Our usual schedule includes Bob having band practice two nights and one afternoon a week. But not in summer. I always tell our cat, Maggie, we’re going to have a girls’ night! It’s only a few hours, but it’s mine. You’re accomplishing a lot! So glad for your silence!

    PS: Cleaning up my site and getting ready to jump back into blogging and writing. It’s been a year since I shut everything down. Watch for me in August.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful week. I love having my house all to myself, mainly because I know that it’s only temporary when it happens.

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