Linda Hoye dot com

Open Mic

Back in the old days, when conferences took place in person, I had the good fortune to attend and participate in Story Circle Network Stories From the Heart ones in Austin, TX. In 2010, I was on a panel discussing blogging, and in other years worked behind the scenes. I attended workshops and loved hanging out with my SCN sisters.

One of the highlights every year, was open mic night. There’s something uniquely sweet and powerful about women gathered together in a safe place telling their stories that just can’t be replicated virtually.

Last evening, I attended a local open mic evening sponsored by the Saskatchewan Festival of Words with a new friend and it was gratifying in other ways. A room full of creatives in a coffee shop, some sharing their words, another music, sipping a chai latte and getting to know a new friend was most definitely time we’ll spent.

Can I tell you a secret? For a good part of my life I imagined myself attending open mic evenings. In my mind, they took place in darkened pubs where people shared dark poetry. This was far better than that! The sheet pleasure of listening to words being read in genres I wouldn’t necessarily choose simply highlights the beauty of language and the gift of storytelling. That wordy things like this are available—even commonplace—in Moose Jaw reinforces that I’m truly home.


2 responses to “Open Mic”

  1. How lovely! And to think you used to imagine that open mic experience long before it happened. I have had such imaginings for other things, and some of have come to pass. Glad you had such a good time.

    1. It was a great way to spend an evening!

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