Linda Hoye dot com

Sunday Afternoon Check-In

Popping in to say “hello” and share some good things from the past week as it seems I’ve formed a habit of writing something here on Sunday afternoons (At least, I’ve done so for the two Sundays before this one. Does that count as a habit?)

Sunshine and trickling snowmelt rivulets as winter gives way to spring have been welcome reminders of a changing season this week. And light. So much more light! It feels like we’re throwing off the doldrums of winter and being reborn. (There’s still a chance of a smattering of winter-ish weather, but I’m choosing to believe we’ve moved on.)

I enjoyed reading Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard this week, learning more about life in medieval times and, in particular, the experience of Hildegard von Bingen in this fictionalized story about her life. I’m still reflecting on some takeaways.

As a rule, I don’t like social gatherings, but I do like one-on-one coffee shop conversation and enjoyed visiting with a new friend in my favourite shop this week. I don’t like telephone conversations either, but had some good and long ones with my daughter this week (she’s the only person I do this with.)

What else?

The photo at the top of this post is of the geraniums that are thriving in the hydroponic garden on my kitchen countertop. (Fun fact that I learned this summer when I was doing research for a writing project: we commonly refer to these plants as geraniums, but they’re actually called pelargonium.) I’m planning on taking cuttings to plant outside in a couple of months.

I finished and submitted a little piece I’ve been working on for the Story Circle Network’s quarterly Journal written to the topic of “my earliest memory.”

I made a pot of chicken soup one day. I’ve discovered that roasting the bones from a store-bought (in this case, Costco) rotisserie chicken before using them to make stock takes the flavour to an entirely different level.

All this good stuff aside, my body is telling me, by way of an uptick in chronic issues, that it’s not happy. I listened to it and took a personal Sabbath by staying home this morning while Gerry went to church. The body knows what it needs and tells us when we pay attention. My body is telling me that as soon as I’m finished here, it wants to sit back under a blanket with Molly and watch another episode of The Great British Baking Show so I’m off to do that now.

Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday.


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