Linda Hoye dot com

Where I’m From

I’m restless today. The project that has consumed much of my time lately, Living Liminal: A Slice of Pandemic Life, is about to be released into the world and I feel at loose ends. Conventional publishing wisdom would have me already switched into marketing mode by this point, but I decided long ago that this would be a soft release. No fanfare. No giveaways. No asking for reader reviews. Just an offering.

As I write this, Gerry is packing for a trip he’s taking starting tomorrow and I’ll have to leave soon to pick up Makiya from school in Caronport. I’ve spent much of this morning thinking about a new project I’m considering: a 5-week OWL (Older Women’s Legacy) writing workshop. I have thought about doing so for years—since before I retired—but the time wasn’t right. Maybe it is now.

I took a break from pondering and planning to visit a few favourite blogs and came across this post called I Am From by Karen at Over the Backyard Fence. Karen and I have followed one another for years; I think we both started blogging around the same time in 2007. Anyway, I love the post and the concept and decided to piggyback off of it and do something similar here.

I am from Mary.

I am from Ed and Laura.

I am from Heinrich and Katarina, Jacob and Mary, Isabelle and Tenor, Louis and Helena. Abby, Edie, and Albert.

I am from Saskatchewan. Big sky and wheat fields. Prairie.

I am from frostbitten ears, noses, and toes; ice skates and rinks; mittens and parkas and scarves wrapped round and round. I am from frosty eyelashes and too-small snow boots. I am from a biting winter wind.

I am from Brownies and choir practice and Sunday School in the United Church across the street. I am from the Church of the Nazarene next door, where I took piano lessons from Mrs. Knight. I am from a street with a candy store at one end, a grocery store at the other, and a hardware store in between. 

I am from a house my dad built with his own hands and a large backyard and two garages—one with a swing hung from the rafters and expired license plates on the walls, and the other where my friends and I played school when it was empty. I am from adventures had in back alleys where we rode bikes and made up games; and a coulee where we spent hours exploring and imagining. I am from a bedroom my sister and I didn’t share very well.

I am from warm wind and hot asphalt, dirt roads and grasshoppers and mosquitoes. Tomato sandwiches. Chocolate milk. Orange popsicles. White bread and jam.

I am from places found only between the pages of books.

I am from secrets and searching. 


6 responses to “Where I’m From”

  1. I love the “I am From / Where ” Am From” poems. I think Kentucky writer George Ella Lyon started that. Our students had to do poems in that style for an assignment. I got to hear her speak when she came to our school. What an experience!

  2. loved it…thanks

  3. cdjdhj1979 Avatar

    Nice post. I think I may join in and do something similar. It’s always nice visit your blog.

  4. I love this, Linda. Thank you for sharing. I think I will borrow this for my next YouTube video. Your use of descriptive terms helped me to “see” your “I am” vividly. Thanks again for sharing this.

  5. Jackie Phillips Avatar
    Jackie Phillips

    I love the I am from….. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.

    God bless.

  6. I’m so glad you did this, Linda. I feel like I know you a better, and feel a kinship with some of the similarities in our backgrounds. Especially being ‘prairie girls.’

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