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A Windy Monday

The prairie wind is a-blowin’ today and that, paired with a mild temperature, is doing a job on getting rid of the snow. It’s tempting to believe spring is right around the corner but it’s not, of course. Will we have another blast of winter in the form of bone-chilling cold and blowing snow before the crusty old man loosens his grip and makes way for spring? Who knows? We will take it as it comes because that’s all we can do.

Meantime, things are getting done around here. The lion’s share of work downstairs is finished. There’s still painting to be done and other tweaks here and there, (and a mess to clean up!) but overall it’s close to being complete. The work to insulate and finish the garage will wrap up in a day or two—then we just wait for the heater we ordered to come in and be installed. Upstairs, we’re finalizing requirements for painting and setting a timeline for the work to be done. All in all, the projects are coming together nicely.

Yesterday, we enjoyed lupper (the meal midway between lunch and supper) at a Chinese restaurant downtown with Laurinda and Makiya. We enjoyed lots of laughs and, because the day was so pleasant, a short walk down Main Street (aka Memory Lane) afterward where I filled everyone in on what used to be in some of the older buildings. Such fun!

This afternoon, Gerry’s taken my car to the dealership for a tweak that has to be done before we can get it licensed here in Saskatchewan. The whole provincial vehicle inspection thing is—well, let’s just call it interesting. Anyway, my car should be ready for a beautiful Saskatchewan license plate after this.

Later, I’m going out to Caronport to take in Makiya’s basketball game. She’s gone from not wanting anyone to come to her games to specifically asking at lupper yesterday if I was going to come to her games this week! Yes, m’dear I am! I wouldn’t miss it!

With all these good things there remains one point of frustration in my life right now. My sleep schedule. Ever since I was sick, and my body needed copious amounts of sleep while recovering, I’ve been having trouble getting back to the very early morning routine I favour. I’ve started leaving the blind open partway in the bedroom hoping the light will push me to get moving . So far, it’s not working (of course, it is still dark in the early morning). It drives me crazy because I don’t have the time I like in the morning, but I’m making adjustments and trusting that what I am getting in the early morning hours is what my body needs right now.


4 responses to “A Windy Monday”

  1. Carol Newman Avatar
    Carol Newman

    Lupper! Is that a real term like brunch or is it your creat? It’s perfect for a retirement community where the evening meal begins very early.

    1. We’ve always used it for a meal between lunch and supper. Not sure where it came from though!

  2. Jackie Phillips Avatar
    Jackie Phillips

    While it was a little windy here, the sun was shining and the snow melting on the roads. Perfect for a bit of a walk in the prairie air.

    I really like the term lupper.

    God bless.

  3. My mother was a big fan of Lupper. I hadn’t thought of that in years. I hope you find a way to get the correct amount of rest you need. I feel for ‘ya.

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