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Friday’s Fave Five- August 18

Since we’re past the 15th, we’re now officially in late-August. I feel it. Gerry commented this week that he feels it too. Change is in the air. For now, lest I get too far ahead of my pumpkin-spice-latte-craving self, let’s look back at things I’m thankful for this week with a Friday’s Fave Five post.

A working kitchen tap tops the list for me. After not having one for a few weeks, turning on the tap and having water flow in my kitchen sink is cause for celebration. And I did. By way of dancing a little jig. 🙂

Coffee (for me) and conversation with a friend at a table in the park. It’s a sweet way to spend a summer afternoon.

My once-a-month house cleaners came this week. That’s a gift-to-myself I appreciate immensely. I had a regular bi-weekly house cleaner during my working years, but took on the work myself (with Gerry’s help, of course) after I retired. A pending surgery a few years ago prompted me to get someone in for my recovery period and I just kept up with it.

Harvesting supper from the backyard is even sweeter than getting it from my community garden plot like I did when we lived in Kamloops. I am so grateful for Gerry’s effort in creating a backyard garden oasis. This time of year, we at from it daily (and even pay plumbers, in part, with cucumbers!).

Homemade yogurt. I made plain yogurt for years, but got away from doing so. I started again, using my Instant Pot as an incubator this time, and love the creamy deliciousness. A bowl, served with a handful of frozen blueberries has become a nightly treat.

That’s it for this week. Gerry and I are off on a little adventure today—getting it in before we bring the puppy home next week! It’s a good life and I’m thankful for it.


10 responses to “Friday’s Fave Five- August 18”

  1. Must have been hard without your kitchen tap. I used to have a cleaner until we moved house. This house is easier to keep clean but it is quite a bit of work. I’ve promised myself that when I start collecting my pension in 2 years I will get another cleaner. Have a good weekend.

    1. The worst part about not having running water in the kitchen was that it happened just before we were expecting company! Agh! It all worked out in the end though, and made for interesting conversation! Wishing you a blessed Sunday and wonderful week to come.

  2. Love your list of gratitude this week. Much more fun to look at our blessings than our woes. Have a great week.

    1. Have a good week too, Judy!

  3. faitheturner Avatar

    oh I wish my husband saw the need for a once a month housecleaner. I may put it on my Xmas list. again. I recently retired from teaching full time and he works from home 2-3 days a week and yet the brunt of the housework has always fallen on me. He does do the yardwork though…and takes care of the garbage. My back can’t take heavy lifting or cleaning any longer so……

    I love fresh summer produce!! I buy from some local farm stands. SO good.

    I hope you enjoy that adventure today and I’m with you on the working appliances/taps.


    1. There’s a balance of work here too, but I’m with you in that my body isn’t as strong as it once was. Here’s to hoping your Christmas wish comes true!

  4. Mmm… I think I have the same kitchen tap, which I like. Glad yours is now doing its job. Coffee with a friend in the park sounds wonderful. And your fresh lettuce will be so tasty in a salad or on a bun with egg salad..

    Happy weekend…it’s gloomy out today with wind and rain and smoke. It’s cheerful on the inside.

    1. It’s a great tap when the hose isn’t leaking!! Wishing you a wonderful day. Smoky here too and there’s a definite something autumn-ish in the air.

  5. I would be dancing for joy, too, if I had lost running water and had it back again (I lived for years in a 3rd world country–no running water. I get it.)
    Yum! Fresh veggies from the garden taste the BEST!
    Enjoy your little get away!

  6. We take running water for granted. I can’t imagine being without a working tap in the kitchen for so long.

    It’s still hot and humid here. It will be a while before the first crisp fall breeze, but I am eager for it.

    Time with friends is a blessing.

    I’ve thought about getting occasional cleaners but have never done it. Sounds like a good investment.

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