Joy Sparkers Abound

What a great week it’s been. I was inspired to jot down a few things that have sparked joy in me the past couple of days and thought I'd share it here. A good haircut (at last!). Seeing and hearing kids playing outside and wearing shorts and t-shirts. Flocks of Canada Geese returning from their... Continue Reading →

Good Friday

Molly and I were up early as usual. We woke to snow—one last (I hope) blast from Old Man Winter. His days are numbered; next week looks stellar in terms of weather. I watched part of last night's Maundy Thursday service online this morning, thankful for technology. More thankful for Jesus. It's after 2 p.m.... Continue Reading →

Letters From the Afterlife

A few weeks after she died, I opened her mailbox and found a letter addressed to my mom written in her own handwriting. Yesterday, I read a sample from Joy Williams' short story collection, Ninety-Nine Stories of God and the first story, Postcard, reminded me of that day. It's very short. I tried to find... Continue Reading →

Things I Like . . .

I am taking a course in short story writing with Joyce Carol Oates on Masterclass. One afternoon, I poked around on her Substack and came across a post called What I like. What I like is her creativity in writing it, so I borrowed the idea and exercised my own creative muscles by penning (or... Continue Reading →

I Miss My Office

For the past few weeks, I’ve been camped out with my MacBook and assorted piles of paper on a stool at my kitchen counter where I relocated from my woman cave. I have an office. I consider myself blessed to have had a room of my own for most of my adult life. It’s where... Continue Reading →

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